Chiropractic Care for Plantar Fasciitis: How to Get Relief from Foot Pain Fast
Here’s what you need to know.
Plantar Fasciitis Basics
The connective tissue is the plantar fascia, joining the heel bone to the toes. This tissue aids in supporting the foot’s arch and helps with the mechanics of walking. When the tissue becomes irritated or loses its resilience, normal walking, much less running, becomes painful. If no treatment is received, the patient can develop bone spurs accompanied by even more debilitating pain.
Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
There are a number of causes of this inflammation and pain in the fascia:
- An increase in activities like beginning a walking or running program, dancing
- The structure or shape of the foot
- The surfaces on which you stand, walk, dance, or run
- The type of shoes you wear
- Your weight, especially a recent weight gain
- Nerve compression in the foot or in the back
- Stress fracture of the calcaneus
- Reduction of the fatty tissue under the heel
- Medical conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
Chiropractic Care and Plantar Fasciitis
Up to 70% of cases of plantar fasciitis can be helped successfully with chiropractic care, although recovery may take a few months. A treatment plan would involve manipulations to realign the bones and joints of the affected area. This reduces the pain and inflammation and allows the patient to return to normal activity.
Some other techniques a chiropractor may use are:
- Spinal manipulation to realign the spinal column to allow for proper function throughout the body, including the plantar fascia.
- Specific stretches and exercises to help stretch the plantar fascia so that it can handle stress without detaching from the heel bone.
- Orthotic shoe inserts designed to prevent further damage and reduce tension on the fascia.
- Low-Level Laser Therapy, or LLLT, to reduce inflammation and pain; also aids in healing the damaged tissue itself.
- Taping the affected foot to provide support during the day.
- Massage of the foot and ankle.
- Ice therapy.
Neuropathy Support Kit
It is well established in the scientific literature that peripheral nerves can and do heal when proper support for the nerves is provided.
With our 3 ponged neuropathy defense approach individuals are reclaiming their sensory, function, and health every day.
The Blueprint Neuropathy Support Kit is designed to increase circulation, accelerate tissue healing, balance the systemic healing processes, and provide topical pain relief.
Your second defense is utilizing our Blueprint Neuropathy Support Kit. We take a unique approach to supplemental neuropathy support with powder, cream, and herbal tincture. Our nutraceutical powdered complex formula supports nitric oxide (NO) production within the bloodstream supporting healthy circulation, facilitating ammonia and lactate removal to diminish fatigue, protecting tissue oxidation, supporting immune health, and providing antioxidant protection. It works synergistically with our easy mixing, great-tasting, and energizing phytonutrient powder loaded with certified organic, whole food plant extracts. It also supplies a super blend of natural vitamins, ionic trace minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and symbiotic intestinal flora for energy, metabolism digestion, detoxification, revitalization, and longevity support.
Our herbal tincture is an ecologically harvested herbal compounding formula containing Boswellia serrate, yuca root, devils claw root, to name a few, that support anti-inflammatory properties. Our herbs in this concentrated formula come directly from their region of origin. We process these herbs (6 lbs. of dried herbs per gallon) with a proprietary extraction method that releases all the nutrients, volatile oils, and esters ensuring you a pure balanced product with maximum effectiveness. We also utilize a topical cream formula with an excellent source of L-arginine to support his or her neuropathic pain, circulation, and overall comfort.
The third defense is utilizing our state-of-the-art infrared light technology exclusive to Blueprint recommended for poor circulation and or pain in the feet and legs including those with diabetes. This medical device is used to increase circulation and reduce pain, stiffness, and muscle spasm. The Therapy System that produced the Freedom 300 Pro was the first infrared light therapy product cleared by the FDA (1994), and it remains the premier evidence-based light therapy product on the market today. The Freedom 300 uses only infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) because infrared light penetrates more deeply into the body and works better than red or blue light. While we cannot see infrared, our bodies respond to infrared with increased circulation and reduced pain.
We also use state of the art digital electro therapeutic stimulation to assist in the growth of the nerves called Nerve Re-Education. This is used by the Cancer Centers of America in order to help those going through Chemotherapy to rebuild the nerves. Nerve Re-Education can now be done at home, so therapy can be done daily. In a recent Peer-reviewed study of 551 patients, 94% eliminated their pain symptoms. They regained their mobility with their first treatment.